Singing Guide: The Winans

Singing Guide: The Winans

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

The Winans are a legendary gospel music family and a great example for aspiring singers. To learn how to sing like them, we need to look at their unique style and technique.

The Winans brothers have a distinctive blend of smooth harmonies and soulful melodies that have made them one of the most successful gospel groups of all time. They are known for their excellent harmonies and vocal arrangements.

To learn how to sing like The Winans, start by analyzing your voice and identifying your voice type. Check out Singing Carrots' "How to analyze your voice" and "Voice types" articles for help with this. Once you have identified your voice type, practice breathing techniques, which are essential for good singing. Singing Carrots' "Breathing basics" and "Breath support" articles explain the importance of proper breathing and show you how to improve it.

Next, develop your range and register techniques. The Winans have a great deal of experience with falsetto, mixed, and chest voice techniques. For more information on voice registers, Singing Carrots' "Voice registers & vocal break", "Chest Voice/Voice Registers explained", and "Mixed Voice" videos are useful resources.

To practice your vocal technique further, explore Singing Carrots' "Vocal Pitch Monitor" and "Pitch Training". These tools help you visualize your notes and improve your pitch accuracy and intonation. For more training, you can also check out Singing Carrots' "Pitch accuracy test".

Improving your articulation is another important skill for singing, and Singing Carrots' "Articulation" video featuring the "Finger Bite" exercise can help with that.

Developing emotion in your singing can make you sound more like The Winans. Singing Carrots' "Singing with intuition, skills, emotion, and thinking" article provides some guidance on how to become a more emotional performer.

To sing like The Winans, you should also pay attention to your posture and breathing. Singing Carrots' "How posture affects your singing" article and "Good Singing Posture" video can help you with this.

Lastly, take care of your voice by paying attention to your vocal health. Check out Singing Carrots' "Vocal health" article to learn how to protect your voice and prevent damage.

As for songs to practice, The Winans have many great ones to choose from. Some of their most popular songs that showcase their unique style include "Tomorrow", "A Friend", "It's Time", and "The Question Is". Search for more songs based on your vocal range and genre preference through Singing Carrots' "Search songs by vocal range" tool.

With the resources provided by Singing Carrots and the unique style of The Winans, you'll be well on your way to singing like a gospel music legend.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.